Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recent Happening -police station

whr is this place? yup..no doubt..is the police station near puduraya..it is my 1st tie go tht..curi-curi take photo when waiting at thr
After eating dinner with my fren and today is another tired day for me.... 2day my battery still full, unlike last few days always no battery...coz i keep on reply to someone n nid to update my "xing zhong"........long time dont hv this kind of situation..Bu i damn love it...Coz got somebody caring me ma...But 2day is all the things is terbalik. Coz I really angry wit him..what he done for me...He dont even bother me when i ask him :whr r u?....forget it..he said no battery so no reply me wo....

He dont know what I did for him..my hp always low battery bcoz of him...But it is time to change my hp..haha...I dont wan him worry abt me when I am at the danger situation. Last friday, My fren's car is being knocked by a women wjo is a careless driver. During the accident happens. it really give a me shock. Coz just me alone sit at the back. After me, peiling and catherine watch movie "humaine comedies", catherine fetch us go bac home. On the road, suddenly have a "hentaman" from behind.. I really get shocked because tat time im very tired and resting at the back.

After that , we go down from my fren's car and see what happen to her car. On the same time, v Cat go argue with the careless driver. I dont know when this happen make me very scared and the first time I think is him. Actually I dont wan tell him, but lastly i tell him the situation...He keep asking me have anytin?got hurt o not and so on.. Relly feel very touching on this particular time.Thr have someone so care abt u. BUT he look very worry abt me and the matter ady settle o not...

Aft that, v go report at the police station almost 2hrs gone..V wait at thr to meethe sarjan. It really make my life so colourful in my final year. hehe...with my fren too....That sounds good...Nx time have this experience and no nid to scared. V haven eat dinner...after going bac gk ady 11.00pm sumtin...that time very hungry..eat anytin aslo feel very delicious...

1 comment:

weinice said...
