Since my childhood,in my impression, my family will celebrate wit me....but until last year.. i felt that i dun wan celebrate..bcoz de DoB dun hv any meaning 2 me..i dun know why i feel like that...maybe im thinking too much...
Actually, i dun hv any high expectation for that things..jz hv a cake can celebrate liao..hehe...Dis year...i oso feel that dun wan 2 celebrate anymore...maybe dun hv frenz celebrate wit me gua...i wish my birthday can skipped on that day...coz i dun know how to "du guo"... maybe dun hv such such bff , no bf (joke) to celebr wit me...haizzzz
i know that ur guys no free to accompany me...my style is very simple..i appreciate is de friendship..not de materials things....
my feeling at 2day(221208)...
B4 12.00am...receive many B'D comment fr frenzs
12.00am..got a few fren send blessing sms 2 me
aft 2.00am..slepping time..."cant sleep at de whole night"-dun know why
7.30am...wake up
8.30am..having class..coming lately n got test summore..get very lowest mark
1.00pm...i very disappointed wit "Sn" them...actually v planning go jusco to eat lunch...i jz wanna hv a lunch wit them..no demand anymore...but lastly they eat wit other ppl..coz she thought that im no free go wit them..(many reason)..i hv another appointment wit others...actually is no one...at last i only they misunderstanding...
summore my fren "LY" said some undesireable things 2 me...make me very unhappy...
6.00pm...bac home...
6.30pm..i try to call my mum..coz b4 that i cant buy de bus ticket go bac jb...i cant my mum..she din pick up..then after that she call me n scold me abt de incidents..i cant buy d ticket...then she "gai my hp"...morever she din said any thing 2 me...on that time i feel very angry,bad tempered, mood, n summore crying at all....
7.00pm..very very tired,,go sleep a while...i dun hv any expectation on my frenz that will celebrate wit me...bad mood...bad mood n bad mood...(that why on that i not wish 2 get anymore o it..jz wanna d time go faster...
8.00pm..internet n watch "ju gong bao hei"
10.00pm..go down eat dinner wit hsemate...i really satisfy...xin mai yi zhu..can go eat wit them..at old town..after that my fmum call my hp..n said "mei mei, sheng ri kuai le".. i really really feel very comfort...sorry mum...im not hv intention 2 let ur angry.....
11.30pm..after finish eat d dinner...when im bac 2 home... when i open de door..i feel very strange why very "gelap" at the whole hse...yuan lai...they are standing behind de door...n start singing de B'D songs 2 me....im very suprising n very blur...jz feel very touching on that time..my hsemate give me last minute surprise b4 12.ooam..n they oso take de cake in front of me...very "sia dao"..on that time..really touching til crying...hemhem
anyway i really thks for those sending comment 2 me on frenster, facebook,(know me or dun know me) or whatever ...include smsing....i very appreciate for those kindness 2 me... early n last minutes blessing...
especially thks wen huey,xiao mei mei, gui fang,yee han, guan ,kam (hsemate)....those give me blessings...jia xin, pei shan n many more oso not beside me...
many many more feeling..dun know how 2 describe
lastly,thks "my dear bro"thks give me support n ur present ..haha...ur is my best,nice loved "ge ge"
lastly again..make a wish
1.every1 happy always
2."me"become more pretty "
3.every 1 can get their happiness..(include me)
4..every 1 be health
5.respect mama n papa
im so greedy
the end...
to be continued...upload photo later..