my hou ji mui, sin nee@ me

me@my dear gui fang
Last 2 week of saturday, i was very busy to meet my fren.One is from kampar, one is from Kepong. I cant make it the time meet them at different date. I was woke up in the early morning to dill up myself and it is my 1st time wear maxi dress which last time borrow from my fren, jiaxin. I addicted with long dress now, coz when u wear it will become different. First of all, me ,peiling, weesiong go klcc to buy the oct baby present for catherine n fion. We do shopping at pavillion , klcc to bought their present. After that, i went to sg.wang to meet up this 2 frens.. My days is full of shopping and meet them up..She always my best fren ever during our diploma time. However, the other one fren, dee hsia cant join us at that weekend. But i wish nx time all of us can meet up againe...The chance v meet is very low..coz all of them was still studying at kampar.. I was very appreciate those days we live in hostel...appreciate our frienship so much... That day from 11am shop until 11pm...very geng...But now getting older...the long day shopping and some more go 4 -5 places in days wasn't a easy job to me anymore.

taken phto by sin nee..still take her new camera, keep saying i was wear very pretty that day and help me take this photo

both of us♥

me at bukit bintang walk

starbucks coffee at sg.wang

nvr take photo at sg.wang

curi photo taken by sin nee!!!!no realise when she capture this photo

I ♥ this photo so much....bff♥

normal look!!

i wanna get a camera soon..saving money to buy...my target for this year birthday is canon camera....i like the setting of this camera.canon ixus 100..
nite day look!! this photo with flash

we again!!!