It is a wonderful n suprise bday celebration for the two birthday boy...Let start from those may said a thousand words:
My favourite green tea ice cream...some more got new flavour called wasabi ice-cream
(u dare to try it)
cha wen zhen ( i not even finish this)
unagi & shripms sushi
Another month for celebrate our classmate birthday...This month bday boy are including both of them: William & Fa kor (first time appear at our classmate celebration..hehe) That day we celebrate at wei kang's father japanese restaurant near Puchong area. It is my 1st time go there.. The food is quite good and delicious... It is a buffet package..U can eat up to 60 dishes as u can finish them. One person is roundly RM35 ++ ( my hsemate said it is worth than shogun n jogoya bcoz u can eat the seafood like unagi, shripms, salmon , sahsimi and those expensive stuff) favourite is the green tea ice cream.. The special things happen in between is they prepared (so called Wasabi Bday sushi cake). They are being cheated to eat the sushi with a lot of wasabi...No choice. They are the main person in this party.hv to play by others..Look at their facial expression so funny...Grab u foods as u can eat up....Furthermore, i surprisingly meet my diploma fren - Joshua.Really long time not see him after graduate from diploma..Such a small world...
William & his bro ( wah, they look like twin brothers)

This is the special dishes for both of them...good luck^^
(u dare to try it)

Start to review those picha (grab from janice- copy right issue again)

This is the special dishes for both of them...good luck^^
(they didn't thought b4, we will plan this for them)
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