Cant describe the moment it just happen on last weekend saturday 29/10/2011...tat was horrible terrible tiring for attending and also preparing the wedding ceremony...Me also the 1st time bocome sister gang on my 1st high school classmate -Yun..Tat day was excited and do that do this busy the whole day...even though me not the bride..but still feel happy and touching "finally we can let yun marry to her beloved"..It being a long time din at
tend wedding. Very happy can get 2gather with the high school which din meet few years..But luckily bcoz of this wedding, it make it many good things happening in my life..I am seriously saying like this.Wish v can meet every quarter of year, and sharing the living life recently and update.So most happiest i think is all those children and my bride & groom on tat day...Wish they can stay sweet forever and wish can born a new baby soon~~~Our ji mui gang's games session can be said successfully done...It was a funny, excited and nervous experience never encounter b4.It bring many lucks after getting through my hard time..The past is belong to doesn't make sense now.I hope that I belong to u now and in d future too...Keeping a happiness just as simple as that.Always beside u.No matter what u done b4, who r u in the past.It is no more important to me.Coz life is short. We cant waste time on refresh on those old memory tat was pretty hurting u...wat we can do now is create a new memory for our life til ends. I just wan to be urside...U r not alone.relationship is a lifetime commitment,i do hope that u have the same thought as me.The moment u said "I do" so touching....
Let the picha doing the most witness on this wedding:~~get thru..scroll down
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